About Hannah Dunford

Hannah is a yoga teacher (RYT 200), reflexologist and massage therapist. She has practiced yoga for over thirty years and is passionate about introducing others to the joy and benefits of this ancient practice for body, mind and spirit. Hannah teaches yoga in many primary and secondary schools in Wicklow and Dublin. She has a special interest in music, nature and animals. At The Yew Room, Hannah brings her “Hatha Yoga” class - a gorgeous blend of breathing practices, movement and relaxation for overall fitness, flexibility, strength, mobility and stress reduction.
Email - hannahdunford76@gmail.com
Phone - 087282223
Hatha Yoga
Tuesdays - 7.30-8.45pm
All Levels Class
Rathmichael School Hall, Shankill
Wednesdays - 10.00-11.00am
(Starting on 15th May)
Mixed Level
Rise Up Dance & Yoga Studio
(Above Shoreline Leisure Bray)